YouTuber worden

Want to Become a YouTuber In 2024? Do This!

Would you like to become a YouTuber but ask yourself what all is involved? Then this blog is written especially for you! In this blog we tell you what the advantages of becoming a YouTuber are and we give you a step-by-step plan explaining how to become a YouTuber. Definitely read it if you want to become famous on YouTube.

The benefits of becoming a YouTuber

Increasingly, people are no longer watching programs on television, but are seeking out their favorite videos through other platforms such as Netflix, Videoland and, of course, YouTube! For this reason, YouTubers are becoming increasingly popular, and teenagers and young adults are soon aspiring to become YouTuber or vloggers.

In fact, becoming famous on YouTube has the following benefits:

  • Freedom: you can quit your 9-5 job and go on vacation or do other fun things whenever and wherever you want. So you never have to stand in traffic jams again, you are no longer bothered by busy evenings at the gym and you do your shopping at a time when it is quiet in the store.
  • Famous: as a famous YouTuber, you have a lot of fans around you and get in at special events and other places where you wouldn’t get in that way as a normal Dutchman. In doing so, you are treated as a VIP everywhere.
  • Money: You don’t have to worry about having enough money as a famous YouTuber. You can buy your dream house through YouTube money, and probably win several more collaborations where you get part of the interior sponsored.

Still, there are some drawbacks when you become famous on YouTube. Think of your privacy that will be taken away a lot. For example, you may no longer be able to walk down the street easily without being accosted or many photos will be taken behind your back. You will also have to take into account that if you want to become a daily vlogger like Don de Jongh or Enzo Knol, you will have to make interesting videos every day. It’s hard to take it easy for a day then, because you won’t have any fun footage to show your viewers.

Becoming a YouTuber in x steps

Becoming famous on YouTube is something everyone wants, of course! But without the right knowledge, this can be quite difficult. To describe as clearly as possible what all you need to know and do to become a YouTuber, we have created the step-by-step plan below.

Step 1. Think about what you like

The first step is to think carefully about what you actually want to do with your YouTube channel. And we’re not just talking about the kind of videos you want to make. What would you like to achieve with your videos? Are you just doing it for the money, or do you also want to build a close relationship with your followers?

Then it’s time to figure out a niche (a main topic) for your channel. Some examples of niches are; celebrities, soccer and games. See for yourself what you like to research and make videos about. It is important to determine your topic as specifically as possible. So don’t choose ‘celebrities’ but choose ‘celebrities from the Netherlands’ or even focus on one celebrity like Katy Perry on your channel. This way you ensure that you have less competition, and thus can become famous faster. Have you found a niche you find interesting? Then it’s also helpful to immediately think about what topics you absolutely want to discuss in your videos. You can make a wordweb and circulate it to family members or friends as well, so that you collect a whole list of good video ideas.

Becoming a vlogger

Would you like to become a vlogger? Even then, you can start thinking about what kind of vlogs you want to show. For example, will this mainly take place at home, will you also show your workplace, and what kind of activities will you plan? To make fun vlogs you do need to show enough interesting daily things.

Step 2. Think about what you need to get started

Now that you have a good idea of what kind of videos you want to create and post on your YouTube channel, it is important to know what all you need to get started.

  • A camera: a good camera ensures that your image is of high quality. Of course, you do not need this when you only use stock material and do not show yourself.
  • Good light: without good light you are nowhere. Want to shoot a video at night? Then you need a ring lamp or light boxes.
  • A laptop: this is useful for getting ideas, but you also need it to upload your videos on YouTube.
  • Edit software: unless you hire someone to edit your videos, you need to have good editing software to put your videos together yourself. Think about cutting out mistakes, pasting pieces of video together, putting music under the video and making a cool intro.

Different channels require different gear. For example, for gamers it is important to have a good computer that can run different types of software, and for someone who records baking videos a good background is again very important. Write down for yourself what seems useful to you and perhaps check out other videos in your niche.

In the beginning, you really don’t need the most expensive materials. It’s best to look for second-hand materials to keep the investment down. This way, you can see if you like becoming a YouTuber first, before you spend a lot of money on something that you will have to sell later for less.

Step 3. Setting up your channel

Once you have built a good roadmap in steps 1 and 2, you can actually get started with your channel. You create this channel by going to and clicking on your profile in the upper right corner, here you will find the option to create a channel.

YouTube will first ask for the name of the channel. Make sure it is unique, and don’t come up with all kinds of crazy punctuation or numbers. This will later work annoyingly when users try to search for you.

Besides a channel name, you also need certain dressing for your channel, such as an eye-catching banner and profile picture. You can easily put these together in minutes with a free website like Canva. The handy thing about Canva is that you already have certain designs ready here, so you only need to change a few elements and your design is ready.

Step 4. Create and post your first video

Once your channel is all dressed up and set up, you can finally get started creating your first video or vlog. Grab a topic from your wordweb and just start. It might be a little awkward the first few times, but the more often you make videos, the better you’ll get at it. It’s super important that you stay yourself, and don’t put on an act. Sooner or later this will come out and you can suffer serious image damage. In your videos, just be as you are to your friends and family. Whatever your unique personality traits are, show them in your videos! This way, you will attract attention through your unique content, and viewers will turn into loyal followers.

Now it’s time to edit! This is quite tricky when you don’t know about it. So watch plenty of YouTube tutorials on this, take a course or enlist a professional to help you the first few times. Maybe you have an older cousin who is good at this? Is your video made and edited? Then you can upload it to YouTube. Think of an attractive title and create an eye-catching thumbnail for it. Again, you can create these very easily in Canva. There are also plenty of other settings you can adjust for each video. Read through these and see what you like.

Step 5. Patience and results

Just wait and see….or not! Now that your first YouTube video is online, the trick is to follow through. The more videos you make, the better your videos will become and the faster your audience will grow. Becoming a successful YouTuber doesn’t happen in 1 day, it takes time. Also keep a close eye on the results of your videos (you can find them on your profile). Do you notice that certain videos do well? Then make more of that kind. Also try to get better and better at coming up with attractive titles. For example, use emotions to make people click faster.

Now you have all the information you need to become a YouTuber! Are you going to get started right away? Then be sure to use the roadmap above to set up a successful channel. Want to read more helpful blogs about the YouTube platform first, and ask yourself how to get more free followers quickly? Then click here.

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