Buy Comments for Instagram
Do you need more instagram comments ?
When you order this product you will receive the 25 responses within 24 hours (weekend exception)!
What does random mean? Random means random comments are posted. An example of one type of reaction: Cool, nice, wow, you look good!
Those who respond are of international origin and have a qualitative profile. In addition to buying reactions, there is also the option to buy Instagram followers and Instagram likes for an even more professional profile.
Would you prefer to specify the text yourself?
You can! If you want the text to be placed in Dutch then you should take a look at the instagram custom comments.
With that product you can specify the text yourself or have us write the text for you. We will then make sure people leave a nice relevant comment.
Want your own followers to comment more often?
That’s simple! All you have to do is start responding to your followers’ posts! Often when you respond to someone’s post they go to your profile and do the same thing back!
In addition, we sell an automation package. Thanks to this package, you can receive Dutch followers / likes / comments! You simply have your Instagram account automated.