Right of Withdrawal

All social media products and services come with a 90-day no-quibble money-back guarantee. Are you dissatisfied for any reason? Then send us an email and we’ll fix it for you.

Our SEO services come with a limited warranty. This is because the services are “customized” and cost upfront investment on our part. Not satisfied? Please feel free to contact us. Then together we will look for an appropriate solution.

If you would like to know more about our terms and conditions, please review our terms and conditions.


Annex I: Model withdrawal form

Model withdrawal form

(complete and return this form only if you wish to revoke the agreement)

  • To: [ name entrepreneur]

[ geographic address entrepreneur]

[ fax number entrepreneur, if available]

[ e-mail address or electronic address of entrepreneur]

  • I/We* hereby inform/share* you, that I/We* hereby terminate our agreement regarding the sale of the following products: [aanduiding product]*

the provision of the following digital content: [aanduiding digitale inhoud]* the provision of the following service: [aanduiding dienst]*, revoke/revoke*

  • Ordered on*/received on* [datum bestelling bij diensten of ontvangst bij producten]
  • [Naam consumenten(en)]
  • [Adres consument(en)]
  • [Handtekening consument(en)] (only if this form is submitted on paper)

* Cross out what does not apply or fill in what is applicable.

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